Scope of registration: Regulated activities

We describe each regulated activity and give some examples of services that are likely to carry on these activities. If the general exceptions and exemptions do not apply to you, you must register for each regulated activity that you provide, unless a specific exemption applies.

You need to be sure that the service you provide is covered by the regulated activities you register for. To do this, check all the activities, read the guidance and use the diagrams to help you decide if you need to register for that activity.

Our quick guide also shows which regulated activities you are likely to need to register for. It's available in 2 formats:

You may need to register for more than one regulated activity to cover the service(s) you provide. Some providers may need to register for several regulated activities.

How the regulated activities relate to each other

Each regulated activity requires a separate registration.

There is no hierarchy of regulated activities — they are all equally important and you must apply for all that relate to your service.

Sometimes, registration for one regulated activity will remove the need to register for another. For example, a provider will not need to apply for: