Due to social distancing and limited space, we are accepting appointments to make your experience as fast as possible. Call 912-652-7259 for appointment availability. The Clerk’s office will continue to accept applications and renewals. However, due to COVID-19, you may experience significant delays of several months to receive your U.S. passport and the return of your citizenship evidence documents (such as birth certificates or naturalization certificates). Check or Money Order ONLY for the Passport Book/Card Fee (Payable to the U.S. Department of State) Cash or Money Order Only for Application Fee and Photo Fee (Payable to Clerk of Superior Court) To check the status of your previously submitted application please visit https://passportstatus.state.gov/
You may send written requests, along with a check or money order, for copies and/or certified copies of deeds, liens and plats. Trade Names can also be mailed in with proper fees to same address:
Clerk of Superior Court
P.O. Box 10227
Savannah, GA 31412
Mail your request along with a local check or money order made payable to: Clerk of Superior Court. To request a copy complete a Real Estate Copy Request Form.
To confirm your cost, please contact us at supctclk@chathamcounty.org or call: 912-652-7200
Due to COVID-19 we are encouraging "mail-in" Notary Renewals. If you are WITHIN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO the expiration date of your Notary, complete a renewal application.
NOTE: Only out-of-state residents may apply in their county of employment; Georgia residents may only apply in their county of residence. Georgia notaries public may perform notarial acts anywhere within the State of Georgia.
Notary Fee: New or Renewal — $51
Clerk of Superior Court
P.O. Box 10227
Savannah, GA 31412
If you have any questions, or your notary has expired during the Judicial Emergency March 23, 2020 thru June 12, 2020, a renewal application will be accepted. Please contact us at supctclk@chathamcounty.org or call 912-652-7200
To view Superior Court Case documents a user must register and request access on https://cmsportal.chathamcounty.org. Copies of case documents are available for purchase during your search session. Copies may be requested by mail by completing a Copy Request Form.
Clerk of Superior Court
P.O. Box 10227
Savannah, GA 31412
Civil and Family cases can be e-filed through www.odysseyefilega.com. Our Clerk's office does not provide any forms for filing. For assistance with Divorce, Legitimation, Modification, Adult Name Change, Contempt or Answers, you may contact the Family Law Resource Center at (912) 354-6686 or download self-help general forms from www.southernjudicialcircuit.com
You may purchase copies of your Civil and Family Final order from our office through https://courts.chathamcountyga.gov/ or request by mail:
Clerk of Superior Court
P.O. Box 10227
Savannah, GA 31412
Mail your request along with a local check or money order made payable to: Clerk of Superior Court.
To confirm your cost, please contact us at supctclk@chathamcounty.org or call 912-652-7200
Chatham County Superior Court Clerk's Office is accepting Criminal filings and pleadings electronically filed through www.odysseyefilega.com. Electronic filings are limited to filings in superior criminal cases previously accused or indicted.
For assistance with how to e-file please visit www.odysseyefilega.com.
For copies of the record, please contact us at supctclk@chathamcounty.org or call 912-652-7200. To request a copy please complete File Request Form.
There are community advocacy resources available to assist petitioners in obtaining a Temporary Protective Order in Superior Court:
Savannah Area Family Emergency (SAFE) Shelter
Open 24 hours 7 days a week providing safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic violence. www.safeshelter.org
24 Hour Crisis Line - 912-629-8888
Safe Shelter Outreach Program — M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm, 912-651-0004 and 912-651-0082
Chatham County Family Justice Center
Provides assistance with obtaining services for victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, and Human Trafficking.
2005 Waters Avenue
The Board of Equalization office remains closed and all BOE Tax Appeal Hearings have been postponed, you will receive a new appointment notice once COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
If you have any questions you may email us at boecomments@chathamcounty.org or call us on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday 8 AM- 12:30 PM, at 912-447-4950.