How to write an application form

How to write a job application form employers will want to read.

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Write an application form employers will want to read

Many people rush writing job application forms or leave them until the last minute. Allow yourself enough time to get together the information you'll need, fill in the form and check it.

Most application forms ask your reasons for applying and what you can bring to the job, so use this opportunity to promote yourself. Highlight your experience, including training, projects and work responsibilities that show your abilities.

Types of online job applications

To apply online for a job you might have to:

Find the documents you'll need

Get everything together that you might need to fill out an application form, including:

You may be asked to supply your LinkedIn profile, so make sure it matches your CV.

If you have other social media accounts, either make them private or clean up anything you've shared that might damage your future job chances.

Fill in the job application form and check it

When you have everything ready, go to the employer's website. You may need to register and log in.

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